Dental Services – with special focus on public dental services for people in priority groups
Summary of Report of the Norwegian Board of Health Supervision 1/2010

As part of general supervision of health services, the Norwegian Board of Health Supervision has previously investigated dental services. In particular we have investigated dental services for groups in the population that are defined as priority groups in the Dental Health Services Act.
Previously, the Norwegian Board of Health Supervision has published three reports on dental services in Norway. We identified large differences in supply of dental services in different
counties. We were concerned that not all people in the priority groups are offered the dental services they are entitled to.
This report presents background data in the following areas:
- statistics about dental services
- experience gained from supervision of dental services – planned supervision
- experience gained from supervision of dental services – cases of complaint about dental personnel and rights for dental services
- summary of reports evaluating public dental services
Pdf in Norwegian