Qualified to Qualify? Summary of Countrywide Supervision in 2013 and 2014 of Job Training Programmes
Summary of Report of the Norwegian Board of Health Supervision 2/2015

Do the Norwegian Municipalities, through management and leadership, ensure that the offices of the Employment and Welfare Administration (Nav) organize their work with Job Training Programmes so that those who have the right to participate in the programmes are given the opportunity to do so? Are clients offered a programme that is specially adapted to their needs, and are they followed upadequately? To what extent are clients involved in the process?
In 2013 and 2014, the Offices of the County Governors carried out countrywide supervision of the work carried out in the Nav offices with this programme.
If this work is inadequate, those who have the right to participate in the programme may not be given the opportunity to do so, or the content of the programme may not be adapted to the clients' needs. If participants are not adequately followed up, the aims of the programme may not be met. Clients only have the right to participate once in the programme, therefore it is important that the content is appropriate for them, and that they are followed up adequately.
In this report we summarize the findings presented in 90 reports of supervision. Breaches of the legislation were found in 76 of the 90 municipalities. These municipalities do not manage the services in such a way that they ensure that allotment of places, content of the programme, and follow-up of clients is adequate and in accordance with the legislative requirements. There are few signs of client participation.
The municipalities where breaches of the regulations were found, have been given a deadline to correct the deficiencies. The Offices of the County Governors will follow up these municipalities.