«Cap in hand?» Summary of countrywide supervision of social services in 2015 and 2016
Summary of Report of the Norwegian Board of Health Supervision 3/2017

Supervision was carried out by the Offices of the County Governors, and included the following social services: the work of the municipalities provided by the offices of the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration: information about services, advice and guidance, and social security benefits for people in the age group 17 to 23.
Most young people in Norway either have a job or are students, but some need social services for a varying period of time in order to get a job or to find another activity.
In 2015 and 2016, supervision was carried out on 71 occasions with 73 municipalities and urban districts. In addition 150 municipalities assessed their own practice. To a large extent, the findings of the Offices of the County Governors and of the municipalities were similar.
Deficiencies in the services were identified in areas that are important for young people who need social services. Deficiencies were found in assessment of young people's situation, and there was little involvement of clients. This is serious, because it is not possible to assess whether young people are allocated the services they need, and that they have the right to receive. In several municipalities, there is no systematic assessment of how social services are used. Therefore, measures to prevent or correct deficiencies in the services are not implemented.
The municipalities where there were deficiencies shall be followed up until the situation is improved. The Norwegian Board of Health Supervision encourages all the municipalities, and the offices of the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration, to evaluate their own practice in the light of the findings presented in this report, and to implement necessary measures to ensure that young people have an adequate point of departure for an active adult life.