Nordisk tilsynskonferanse 2011
Nordic Conference on Supervision of Child Welfare Services, Social Services and Health Services
The Norwegian Board of Health Supervision and the Office of the County Governor in Troms arranged the first Nordic Supervision Conference for Child Welfare Services, Social Services and Health Services in Tromsø, 25-27 May 2011. There were about 350 participants: 180 from Norway, 110 from Sweden, 33 from Denmark and 12 from Finland. In addition, there were several participants from the EPSO meeting (European Platform for Supervisory Organizations). Unfortunately, participants from Greenland, the Faroe Islands and Iceland were prevented from attending because of the ash cloud from Iceland.
The target group for the conference was public employees in the Nordic countries who work with supervision of child welfare services, social services and health services.
The programme in the plenary session, the parallel sessions and the practical organization of the conference shall be evaluated, and a Quest-back questionnaire has been sent out to obtain participants’ views and experience.
The next conference will be held in Denmark.
Lars E. Hanssen
Director General
The Norwegian Board of Health Supervision