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8 Experiences from the digital reporting system


8 Experiences from the digital reporting system

8. Experiences from the digital reporting system

8.1. Digitalisation involved a new enrolment system

Before we had digital systems for submitting reports to the Norwegian Board of Health Supervision, the information was obtained orally by a case officer within the Board and entered in our case processing system. This resulted in many manual processes for collecting and recording information from organisations and from patients and next of kin. This was time-consuming and also a potential source of inaccurate entries.

With digital reports submitted by the organisations, we receive a description of incidents from the perspective of the organisation directly into our case processing system. There is still, however, often a need to request supplementary information after the initial report has been submitted. This means that a new report must be submitted through We note that it would save time if organisations were able to submit reports directly from their quality management systems.

8.2. Login using informant’s personal ID

As mentioned in Chapter 1.2, incident reporting may be delegated by an organisation to an individual healthcare professional. Digital reporting currently requires the informant to login with their personal ID. This can be undesirable, since the digital interaction is then via the person submitting the report and the case officer at the Norwegian Board of Health Supervision, instead between the organisation and the Board.